CWL (Catholic Women’s League) – is a national organization, rooted in Gospel values that call members to holiness through service to the people of God. They meet for companionship and spiritual development on the 2nd Tues. of the month at 9:30 a.m. They offer many services to our parish such as funeral luncheons and baking for various charities. They also plan and participate in a variety of social functions throughout the year.
Membership inquiries:
Betty Ann Richard
Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist assist in the distribution of the Eucharist at all masses and are responsible for the purification of the vessels after mass and ensuring water and wine are replenished in the decanters and placed at the rear of the church along with the appropriate number of unconsecrated hosts, in preparation for the next mass.
This ministry branches off Guardians of God's Creation. By the simple act of bringing living plants into our place of worship, we hope to integrate the place of all God’s creation in the Liturgy and thus help to restore us fully to our place of health and wholeness.
These simple glossy green living plants, some with dazzling blooms, serve to remind us that LIFE is beautiful and rich and amazing. But, it requires proper attention, tender care and lots of love. In return, these "green" gems purify the air we breathe since God in his infinite wisdom designed them to thrive on toxic chemicals in the air that contribute to many of our health problems like asthma, allergies and chemical sensitivity.
Floral maintenance requirements: weekly watering & cutting off dead or yellow leaves (there is a time for everything...).
Two people are required every week. It is easier to perform the task while enjoying a friendly chat. If one prefers to work alone, that is fine for the Lord is always with us.
It sounds like a lot, but to spend a couple of hours (slow pace) in the company of our Lord tending to His creation is an experience that breathes LIFE, PEACE and HOPE into one's heart.
In his parting words, our Lord told his disciples, "Go into all the world and proclaim the good news to the whole creation." Mark 16:15
If you have family member in the hospital and wish to have a visit/communion.
Please phone/email the office to let us know.
K of C (Knights of Columbus)- Are a fraternal organization of practicing Catholic men. They offer opportunities for fellowship and service by assisting the parish in various ministries and raising funds for the needy as well as helping with community activities. They meet every 2nd Thursday at 7:30pm in the hall and if you are 18 or older you are welcome to contact them to join. These guys are the ones who are here before the sunrises and after we all leave to prepare great breakfasts for all to share in monthly.
Grand Knight - Paul Schembri Email:
This ministry is comprised of Commentators and Lectors. Readers alternate between the two roles according to the prepared schedules. The Commentator welcomes the congregation and visitors, names the day in the Church calendar and introduces the theme of the celebration. The Commentator also reads the Psalm (if not sung), and leads the congregation in the prayers of the faithful. The lector reads the first and second readings in advance in order to bring as much meaning and expression to the text as possible, thus assisting the congregation in their understanding of the Word and supporting the celebrant as he leads the celebration of the mass.
The Society is a ‘lay Catholic organization whose mission is to live the gospel message by serving Christ in the poor with love, respect, justice and joy. As Vincentians we see Christ in anyone who suffers, come together as a family, have personal contact with the poor and help in all possible ways.’ (National Council of Canada)
In Kelowna there are 5 conferences (St Charles Garnier, Immaculate Conception, St. Pius X, Corpus Christi and Our Lady of Lourdes parishes).
We belong to the Particular Council of the Okanagan along with St. Pius X, Corpus Christi, Our Lady of Lourdes and Immaculate Conception parishes. We answer the call to help our neighbours in need with emergency food hampers, always with confidentiality. We meet every 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month at 9:00 in the church hall. The main focus of this meeting is to report on the previous two weeks of home visits which are carried out by pairs of Vincentians. We spend time organizing various activities in support of this mission and nurturing spirituality, solidarity and friendship.
Under the auspices of the Particular Council we support our 'special works'. One is Ozanam House, a recovery house for men, founded by local Vincentians in conjunction initially with BC Housing. It is now operated under its own Board of Directors which is always looking for new members. All Vincentians are voting members. The second special work is ‘InVincible Housing’ which grew out of the 5 conferences dealing with more and more requests for help with rent.
The parishioners of St. Charles Garnier support this important ministry with donations every month on St Vincent de Paul Sunday. If you might be interested in joining our Vincentian family or have any questions, please call our answering service and leave a message at 250-860-2536
The work of our ushers enables the majority of our parishioners to participate in the liturgy in a prayerful and meaningful manner by ensuring adequate seating, easing and directing the flow of traffic, collecting the offerings during Mass and distributing the weekly bulletins. They bring the hosts, wine and offering to the pastor for the preparation of the Gifts. We invite men, women and youth of the parish to join in this ministry.