St. Vincent De Paul

The Society is a ‘lay Catholic organization whose mission is to live the gospel message by serving Christ in the poor with love, respect, justice and joy. As Vincentians we see Christ in anyone who suffers, come together as a family, have personal contact with the poor and help in all possible ways.’ (National Council of Canada)

In Kelowna there are 5 conferences (St Charles Garnier, Immaculate Conception, St. Pius X, Corpus Christi and Our Lady of Lourdes parishes).

Knight of Columbus

K of C (Knights of Columbus)- Are a fraternal organization of practicing Catholic men. They offer opportunities for fellowship and service by assisting the parish in various ministries and raising funds for the needy as well as helping with community activities. They meet every 2nd Thursday at 7:30pm in the hall and if you are 18 or older you are welcome to contact them to join. These guys are the ones who are here before the sunrises and after we all leave to prepare great breakfasts for all to share in monthly.


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